Better Sleep 101

To get more sleep – spend 1 more hour in bed asleep. Go to bed to sleep an hour earlier, or stay in bed asleep an hour later. When you sleep more, you can:

  • Improve memory and keep your brain sharp
  • Increase performance, productivity and mood
  • Fight depression
  • Lower stress
  • Boost your immune system and energy throughout your day
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Inspire your creativity
  • Increase energy throughout your day
  • Reduce your risk for excess weight, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease

In a recent study, researchers measured the effects of increased sleep (minimum goal of 10 hours in bed asleep each night) on performance and mood for 11 members of Stanford University Men’s Varsity Basketball Team. After 3 weeks with the minimum of 10 hours of sleep per night, players sprinted faster and improved both their free throw and field goal percentages by about 9%. The athletes also reported improved overall wellbeing and energy.

In addition to eating more fruit, vegetables and whole grains to enhance your mood and energy, experts recommend you add 1 or more hours in bed asleep each night. More sleep helps reduce appetite, hunger and cravings for high carb foods with increased energy throughout your day. Go for 1+ more hours of ZZZs!